
A Workspace contains all the sets of tools and image databases necessary to solve an application.

  • A Workspace is divided into a collection of Streams.
  • Each Stream has it own database of training images (different training sets), contains a collection of tools and operates separately

A Workspace is the basic container which holds all the relevant information about a specific inspection application. More concretely, this includes all the components shown in the following diagram:

  • Image

    An inspection application is defined around a set of images; first to parametrize and train the tools, then later for processing.

  • Detection

    The images are processed by one or more Deep Learning tools. For a sequence of tools, the result of the previous tool is used to select and crop a specific rectangular View in the image to be further processed by the subsequent tool.

  • Database

    Since all Deep Learning tools are learning-based, they need a labeled training database of images. While all tools train on the same set of images, the regions of interests (Views), as well as the labeling, are tool specific.

  • Result

    The result of the analysis performed by the different tools is a Marking, which can be shown as an overlay on the processed image/View.