ROI from a Feature

You can also use the individual features defined in a Blue Locate tool to provide the region of interest for downstream tools. Each feature provides a five degree of freedom (DOF) transform (X translation, Y translation, rotation, X scale and Y scale).

The feature will also determine the size of the ROI. The percentage of the ROI will be based on the width and height of the feature.

  1. Select Feature.

  2. Press the down arrow beside the Target to reveal a drop-down menu that will contain a list of the features defined by the tool, and Matched Only, which will only return features that are part of a model.

    Note: By pressing the lock icon and disabling it, you can create your own expression for a feature or match filter of which features to use. You can construct custom filters around syntax using feature[] or match[], such as feature[id='featurename'] or match[name='modelname']. An empty filter (which is the default setting), will match all features.
  3. Select one or more features or Matched Only.

  4. The Target field will display the filter being applied to generate views. You can then adjust the ROI to fit the area you want to inspect.