Blue Locate Tool – Node Model

Node models are a used to group features together that appear in a similar geometrical position, and a node model provides a transform that can be consumed by downstream tools to adjust the orientation of Views.

The node model has its own properties relating to the number of features that can be found (nodes), the identifier of each node that can be found, as well as the minimum distances and angle range that the model can exist in. Models can also be created and detected after training the tool.

Each node of the node model also has some of its own information, such as angle, position in the node model, and what the valid features are for that node.


Node Model Score

For Blue Locate tool, a node model score (model match score) is a combination of two things:

  • The average score of the features in this model

  • The "geometry score" based on the geometrical arrangement of the features in this model



As the geometrical arrangement is included in the calculation of the overall model match score, the node model score could be less than 100% even when all the features have a perfect score of 100%, given that the geometry score is less than 100%.

The "geometry score" is simply a measure of how much the relative positions of the features differ from the relative positions of the nodes in the model. For example, with a node model with 3 nodes, given each feature of score 100%, the overall model match score will be slightly less than 100% because its geometry score will be less than 100% unless the spatial layout of the features exactly matches that of the model.