Using the Red Analyze Tool

The Red Analyze Tool is used to perform defect analysis. The topics in this section provide information on setting up and configuring the tools in its 4 modes of operation.


Within the Red Analyze tool, the default region names are “deviation”, the name applied to Unsupervised mode regions, and “defect”, the name applied to Supervised mode regions. There is a potential to have a mix of region names in the tool.

This can be encountered under the following conditions:

  1. Create a Red Analyze tool and leave it in its default Unsupervised mode and set the tool’s ROI.
  2. Open the Database Overview.
  3. Launch the Edit Regions functionality, draw some defects and apply the changes.
  4. With the Edit Regions editor still open, switch the tool from its default mode (Unsupervised) to Supervised.
  5. Select another view, draw some defects and apply the changes.
  6. Note that the thumbnails in the View list and in the Database Overview will be out of sync with the name in the Edit Regions editor.

To resolve the naming discrepancies, close the Edit Region editor and toggle the mode, which will cause the tool to merge and then correctly rename the regions.