Block Pin Reordering

You can reorder pins graphically, in addition to using the Configure SubTask I/O dialog and the Script Definition Editor.

Reordering Pins by Shift-Clicking and Dragging

While working with blocks, you can reorder input and output pins by shift-clicking on the pin and dragging the it to the desired order of precedence on the block.

To reorder pins using this graphical shortcut do the following:

  1. Hold down the SHIFT key.
  2. With the SHIFT key still depressed, click on the pin you want to drag and reorder. When you click and hold, the pin connector (with tag argument2 [Boolean]) becomes red and white and resembles a target. This indicates the pin is selected and ready for reordering.
  3. Release the SHIFT key and drag the pin down to below the bottommost pin (argument1 [Int64]). As the pin is dragged, the pin head turns solid red.
  4. When you release the mouse button, the tagged pin argument2 [Boolean] is now ordered at lowest precedent (the bottom).