Project Component Password Protection

Individual components of a project can be protected, with a password being required to open and edit the individual component. When an individual component is protected, the project can be placed in deployed mode without the individual password(s) being entered. However, when the project is Program Mode, to view and/or edit protected components, the specified password must be entered.

The individual component protection is separate from the project-wide Security setting. A project can be configured to have its own password, which protects the entire project, while individual components within the project have their own separate passwords. This allows you to configure different layers of security for a project, where certain users can view the entire project, but have restricted access to individual components and/or Script Block within the project.

The following project components can be password protected:

  • User Scripts
  • WebPage
  • Task
  • Script Block
  • A protected User Script, individual WebPage or Task / Script Block can be exported as a Template. When a protected component is exported to another project, the component can be inserted into the project without supplying the required password. However, the password must be supplied if the component is to be edited or opened.

    As with the other protected components, exported items will have a key icon beside them in the Template Browser:

  • If a Task or WebPage that is protected has scripts associated with it, those scripts will appear in the Script Browser. However, those scripts will only be accessible if a user provides the correct password when prompted, unless the script is already open in a Script Editor instance. Similarly, the associated, protected scripts can only be deleted via the Script Browser if the correct password is supplied, or the script is already open in a Script Editor.
  • When using the Reconfigure Script I/O option to adjust the arguments and outputs of a protected Script block or User Script, you must provide the associated password. After the arguments and/or outputs have been reconfigured, the Script block and/or User Script will have the same password protection assigned to it.

    When reconfiguring a Script block within a protected Task that is not opened for editing, the password for the protected Task must first be provided.

  • If a protected Script block and/or User Script references Tags or other scripts that are renamed, those references will not updated unless the affected Script block and/or User Script is open in the Script Editor. These instances will be discovered by the Project Verification process, and the necessary changes can then be made by opening and editing the affected Script block and/or User Script.
  • The Search window will not identify items that are contained in protected scripts unless the Script block and/or User Script is open in the Script Editor.