
A WebPage is used to build a single page of an HMI UI, using the Web Page Editor. The desired interactive elements are dragged and dropped onto the WebPage from the WebPage Toolbox, and then bound to tags (which are managed in the Tag Manager), or the element's script points are used to write custom JavaScript code for the element.

To test a WebPage, place the project in deployed mode (the WebPage does not work while in Program Mode).

By default, when an HMI is created in test mode, a WebHMI is created at the same time. To override this behavior and not generate a WebHMI page by default, click Tools > Options > WebHMI and uncheck the option Open browser with test mode.

  • This product supports the ability to create multiple standard Web Pages for a project, each containing their own set of HMI controls. However, only one standard Web Page may be displayed at a time. This means that when a new standard Web Page is opened, the previous Web Page will be closed. Additional Web Pages can be added as popup windows, either static or moveable, and multiple pop-up Web Pages can be added to a standard Web Page.

    For more information, see the Multiple WebPages.

  • There is also only one default WebPage, and this will be the WebPage that loads when the HMI is opened the first time. For more information, see the WebPage Properties topic.
  • Scripts associated with a Web Page are executed on the UI thread, and long running scripts could cause the UI to temporarily freeze.