Accelerating Development With Predefined Project Types

Predefined Project Types are projects that are prepopulated with common components used in many Cognex Designer projects.

Why Use a Predefined Project Type?

When you create a new project, you have the option of choosing to define it with a Predefined Project Type, such as Single Camera, Multi Camera, and Independent Multi Camera.

Benefits of using Predefined Project Types, instead of creating a project as a blank project (the default project type) include:

  • Consistency of design across applications that you develop, since you are using a set of common project types.

  • Predefined Project Type components are structurally sound, tested models and demonstrate best practices for creating future project components.

  • Drastically reduced development time and improved efficiency, especially when creating demos and prototypes.

What Components Are Created For You?

Creating a project with a Predefined Project Type enables Cognex Designer to create a ready-to-use application containing preconfigured:

  • Online and Offline modes
  • Image acquisition blocks (real or simulated cameras)
  • VisionPro Tool Block image processing (Vision Job)
  • Image Recording
  • WPF page GUI
  • Web page GUI
  • Results calculation (basic scripting)
Note: On first creation of a Project Type, Cognex Designer scans for available physical cameras and attempts to match found cameras to the camera types defined in your project.