About DataMan 50

DataMan 50 is a compact fixed-mount ID reader that among others offers the following advanced features:

  • Smallest high-performance fixed-mount reader
  • Highest read rates for 1-D and 2-D codes
  • Reliability and image feedback

DataMan 50 readers support RS-232 and USB interface in addition to discrete I/O.

The DataMan 50 reader is packaged in a rugged, IP65-rated housing.

This document provides basic information about how to configure and use DataMan 50 readers. Additional information is available through the Windows Start menu or the DataMan Setup Tool Help menu after you install the DataMan software on your PC:

  • The DataMan Communications and Programming Guide shows you how to integrate your DataMan reader into your particular automation and factory environment.

    Cognex->DataMan Software v x.x.x->Documentation->Communications->DataMan Communications and Programming Guide

  • The DataMan Industrial Protocols Manual provides information on how to integrate DataMan readers into your particular environment using industrial protocols.

    Cognex->DataMan Software v x.x.x->Documentation->Communications->DataMan Industrial Protocols Manual

  • The DataMan Reader Configuration Codes document provides printable 2-D codes that you can use to configure the DataMan reader.

    Cognex->DataMan Software v x.x.x->Documentation->English->Reader Configuration Codes

  • The DataMan 50 Quick Reference Guide provides essential information about the DataMan 50 readers.

    Cognex->DataMan Software v x.x.x->Documentation->English->DataMan 50 Series->DataMan 50 Quick Reference Guide

  • The DataMan Fixed-Mount Readers Reference is a complete online hardware reference for the DataMan fixed-mount ID readers.

    Cognex->DataMan Software v x.x.x->Documentation->English->DataMan 50 ->Fixed-Mount Reference Manual

  • The DataMan Questions and Answers document provides context-sensitive information. You can view this help inside the DataMan Setup Tool or as a stand-alone help file.

    Cognex->DataMan Software v x.x.x->Documentation->DataMan 50->Questions and Answers

  • The DataMan Control Commands lists DataMan Control Commands with all relevant information. You can view this help inside the Setup Tool or as a stand-alone help file.

    Cognex->DataMan Software v x.x.x->Documentation->English->DataMan Control Commands

  • The Setup Tool Reference Manual describes the user interface of the DataMan Setup Tool software.

    Cognex->DataMan Software v x.x.x->Documentation->English->Setup Tool Reference Manual

  • The Release Notes list detailed system requirements and additional information about this DataMan software release.

    Cognex->DataMan Software v x.x.x->Documentation->DataMan v x.x.x Release Notes