Drag-and-Drop Acquisition Properties to Web Pages

You can quickly create WebPage Elements on a WebPage for configuring image acquisition and modifying acquisition properties while Online.

Simply drag-and-drop the tags from the Tags Window (published tags are in the Devices > cam0 category) onto the WebPage.

  • If you drag-and-drop a specific acquisition property tag from the Tags window onto the WebPage, the adapter creates the respective WebPage element of the property. See the following table for a list of the acquisition properties currently supported, along with additional information on their function, and the default names and labels of the WebPage elements created for them.
Note: The created WebPage elements use their related acquisition settings' metadata. This means, for example, that WebPage User Inputs will inherit the minimum and maximum values of their respective acquisition properties. In addition, all WebPage control names and labels inherit the tag's name.
Property Usage WebPage Control
Actual Camera Model Shows the model type of the device. Text Box
Delay Defines the delay (0-10000 milliseconds; default = 0) between the time that a trigger to acquire an image is received, and the time device begins the image acquisition. No additional triggers are accepted during this delay period, and any received triggers during this period will result in a Missed Trigger event. The value of this property is an Integer. Numeric Entry
Exposure Defines the exposure time. When the device receives an image acquisition trigger signal, light is integrated into the image sensor array for the specified duration. Shorter durations are better suited for stopping motion, but may require larger lens apertures or higher Gain settings to achieve sufficient image intensity. The value range depends on the camera model. The value of this property is an Integer. Numeric Entry
Gain Defines the gain of the amplifier stage that precedes the analog-to-digital conversion. The value range depends on the camera model. The value of this property is an Integer. Numeric Entry
Number of Rows Defines the number of image sensor rows to be transferred into memory on the device. This is used to create partial image acquisitions, where only a specified number of image rows are used to create the output image. The value range depends on the camera model and its resolution. The value of this property is an Integer. Numeric Entry
Offset Defines a Direct Current (DC) level that is added or subtracted from the device's analog signal before the analog-to-digital conversion. The Offset affects the image's brightness and darkness, while maintaining the dynamic range within the image. The value range depends on the camera model and its resolution. The value of this property is an Integer. Numeric Entry
Orientation Defines the orientation of the image.
  • 0 = Normal (default)
  • 1 = Mirrored horizontally
  • 2 = Flipped vertically
  • 3 = Rotated 180 degrees

The available values of this property depend on the camera model.

Selection Box
Job Camera Model Shows the name of the device defined in the job. Text Box
Start Row Defines the first row to be transferred from the image sensor into memory on the device. The value range depends on the camera model. The value of this property is an Integer. Numeric Entry
Trigger Debounce Defines the amount of time (0-65.535 milliseconds; default = 0.5) that the input trigger must remain active to be recognized as a valid trigger, when the Trigger Mode property is set to Camera. This setting will delay the recognition of a valid trigger by the amount of time specified. For example, if the value is set to 1.0 milliseconds, the direct trigger to the device must be sustained for at least 1.0 milliseconds for an acquisition to be triggered. The value of this property is an Integer. Numeric Entry
Trigger Mode Defines how the device will be triggered to acquire an image (Camera, Internal, Factory Floor Protocol, DiscreteInput0-4; default = Internal). Text Box