Discrete I/O

The In-Sight 3D adapter and the vision system support a discrete I/O event system. This system is capable of handling signals between your vision application and the discrete I/O equipment in your production environment.

You can configure the Discrete I/O settings of the vision system with the Discrete I/O Settings dialog. In addition, you can also write the output signals with the WriteDiscrete function.

3D-L4000 Series Vision Systems support one input bank and one input line (both numbered 0) and up to 3 discrete output lines (numbered 0-2). Out of these, the following lines are reserved:

  • Input line 0 is reserved for Trigger events.
  • Output line 2 is reserved for Pass/Fail LED support.

When Online, the vision system will process the state of the configured I/O lines and will respond to the signals accordingly (for example, it will trigger an image acquisition). The I/O events are processed directly on the vision system with minimal latency.


Consider the following when configuring the Discrete I/O settings:

  • See the In-Sight 3D-L4000 Series Displacement Sensor Manual for more information on the I/O wiring of the breakout cable.
  • The I/O for the bank can be either source or sink current; however, all I/O in a bank must be the same.
  • The opto circuit has a maximum latency of 200 µs between the leading edge of a trigger and the start of an acquisition.
  • The low-drive outputs can drive up to 50mA, and the high-drive outputs can drive up to 100mA (enough to drive part-reject actuators).