Spreadsheet Cells to WebPage Controls

When using the Create a WebPage from Selected Cells option, the following table lists the supported Spreadsheet functions, as well as the association between the Spreadsheet cell and the automatically created and configured WebPage User Inputs and Vision Controls and Displays elements.

  • The default values used in the WebPage element's configured properties will be based on the values in the Spreadsheet at the time the WebPage was created.
  • When using this option to generate a WebPage, the Bound property is the only aspect of the Spreadsheet function that will be updated based on the interaction in the WebPage. The state of the cell (established using the Cell State Dialog) will not be automatically configured. For example, if a cell is conditionally enabled, and its state is changed while offline by pressing the button, the related WebPage element will not be enabled and/or disabled.

    Once the WebPage has been created, except for the bound properties, any changes made to the WebPage and/or Spreadsheet will not be reflected in the other. Therefore, there are two options to keep the two in sync:

    1. Create a new WebPage based on the updated Spreadsheet values.
    2. Manually update the WebPage and Spreadsheet to keep them synchronized.
Spreadsheet Function and Cell Type WebPage Controls Element Default Size of Controls Configured Properties Bound Property
Button CheckBox 120 pixels by 40 pixels Text Checked
EditInt NumericEntry 120 pixels by 40 pixels

Min Value

Max Value

EditString TextBox 120 pixels by 40 pixels MaxLength Text
ListBox SelectionBox 120 pixels by 40 pixels Items SelectedIndex
EditAnnulus Button 120 pixels by 40 pixels

Click Command


Background Color

Border Color

  • When these functions are selected, the function they are referencing will automatically be selected and configured as a Vision Controls and Displays user input, even if the cell containing the was not selected at the time the WebPage was created.
  • The Border Color properties will be set to the color used by the associated Display user input.
Vision Data Access Functions Label 120 pixels by 40 pixels   Text
ColorLabel Label 120 pixels by 40 pixels

Background Color

Font Color

Cells containing a constant, such as text or a number Label 120 pixels by 40 pixels Text  
Note: Cells that contain an Image data structure or other data structures (e.g. a Blobs, Edge, or Patterns data structure) will not have a corresponding WebPage element. Nor will cells that are in a #ERR state.