Recipe Manager

The Recipe Manager allows you to load or save the contents of the Spreadsheet while the job is Offline. This allows you to create multiple spreadsheet configurations (also known as "Recipes"), and then quickly save, load or swap them in your job as needed.

You can open the Recipe Manager dialog by clicking the (Recipe Manager) button at the top left part of the Spreadsheet Editor.

The dialog then appears as shown below.

The Recipe Manager helps you to quickly adapt the job to the changing needs of the inspection. For example, you can set up multiple recipes to adapt the contents of the spreadsheet to different parts and assembly line speeds. In the below example, the dialog is used to swap between a simple inspection (extracting only blobs) and a more complex one (including Edge detection as well). Right-click on the GIF animation to open it in a new browser window or tab and play it from the beginning.

When a recipe is loaded in the job, it is indicated next to the (Recipe Manager) button at the top left part of the Spreadsheet Editor.
