
Creates an array of fixtures that are extracted from other In-Sight Vision Toolsstoring Fixture coordinates.

Note: Since the Fixtures function can accept a variable list of cell values, this function is not configured through a property sheet. This function can be configured directly in the cell, or in the Formula Bar on the Job Edit toolbar, either by typing in cell values directly, or selecting the cell references of the supported data structures.

Fixtures Inputs

Syntax: Fixtures(Cell0, Cell1, Cell2, ...)
Parameter Description


Specifies a variable-length list of cells containing data structures returned from the following functions:

Note: The Fixtures function supports a maximum of 128 total fixture values.

Fixtures Outputs


A Fixtures data structure, or #ERR if any of the inputs are invalid.


The Fixtures data structure can be used with the following Structures Vision Data Access Functions:

Function Description


Returns the number of

GetX(Fixtures, Index)

Returns the X offset of the indexed structure, in image coordinates.

GetY(Fixtures, Index)

Returns the Y offset of the indexed structure, in image coordinates.

GetAngle(Fixtures, Index)

Returns the orientation angle of the indexed structure, in image coordinates.