CC-Link IE Field Network Basic Factory Interface

This topic covers the CC-Link IE Field Basic communication protocol for In-Sight vision systems.


The CC-Link IE Field Basic protocol runs over 2 UDP ports:

Port Description
61450 Cyclic request/response messages
61451 NodeSearch and IPAddressSet messages
45237 Base SLMP messaging (GetCommunicationSetting)

Signal Layout

The defined data blocks allow you to control where the vision system is reading and writing data to and from the Automation Controller. For easier application setup, the various control and status bits required for command functionality are grouped into contiguous blocks, which can be processed together. When setting up the interaction between the vision system and the Automation Controller, you will need to choose the starting address and device type for each block of data.

Block Address Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0


0 0

















1 Reserved
16 2 Reserved










24 3



























4..7 User Data (Bit Area)
*Up to 255 when occupying 4 stations.




0..1 Command



2..63 User Data
*Up to 127 when occupying 4 stations.
RX 0 0 Online Offline Reason Missed Acq Reserved Trigger Ack Trigger Ready



1 Error Command Failed Command Completed Command Executing Results Valid Results Buffer Overrun Inspection Completed System Busy
16 2 Reserved Job Pass Exposure Complete Reserved Set User Data Ack
24 3


Event Ack



Event Ack



Event Ack



Event Ack



Event Ack



Event Ack



Event Ack



Event Ack




4..7 Inspection Results (Bit Area)
*Up to 255 when occupying 4 stations.


0 0..1 Current Job ID
1 2..3 Error Code
2 4..5 Acquisition ID
3 6..7 Inspection ID
4 8..9 Inspection Result Code
5..31* 10..63 Inspection Results
*Up to 127 when occupying 4 stations.

RY and RX offer 64-bits of data per station. RWw and RWr support 32 16-bit words per station. In-Sight supports configurations with 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 or 16 stations. However, available PLCs currently limit the number of stations to 4. Signals occupy a portion of the first station only.

1 Station 64 bits 32 words 64 bits 32 words
2 Stations 128 bits 64 words 128 bits 64 words
3 Stations 192 bits 96 words 192 bits 96 words
4 Stations 256 bits 128 words 256 bits 128 words

RY Block

Byte 0

Bit Name Description
7 Set Offline

When this bit is set, the In-Sight vision system is taken Offline until the bit is cleared again.

6-5 Reserved Unused.
4 Execute Command When set, the vision system either loads the job ID specified in the Command field or executes the Job Load by Name command to load the job name given in the User Data buffer. The signal must be held high until the Command Completed signal is toggled. The falling edge of this signal (if prior to Command Complete) is interpreted as an abort request.
3 Inspection Results Ack When the Buffer Results Enable bit is set, the Inspection Results Ack bit is set by the Automation Controller to acknowledge that it has received the Inspection Count, Inspection Result Code and Inspection Results data. The next set of inspection results is then sent to the Automation Controller. Clearing the Inspection Results Ack bit causes the vision system to set the Results Valid bit if the buffer is not empty.
2 Buffer Results Enable When this bit is set, the Inspection Count, Inspection Result Code and Inspection Results fields are held constant until they are acknowledged by setting the Inspection Results Ack bit. Up to eight inspections are held in the In-Sight vision system's buffer. The vision system will respond to the acknowledgment by clearing the Results Valid bit. Once the Inspection Results Ack bit is cleared and there is a new set of results sent to the Automation Controller, the Results Valid bit will no longer be cleared. If the Inspection Results Ack bit is cleared and there are no more results in the vision system's buffer that are to be sent to the Automation Controller, the Results Valid bit remains cleared.
1 Trigger

Setting this bit triggers an acquisition when the following conditions are met:

  • The In-Sight vision system is Online.
  • The Trigger Enable bit is set.
  • The Trigger parameter is set to Network, Externalor Industrial Ethernet.
  • The Trigger parameter can be configured in the AcquireImage function in the Spreadsheet view, or in the Set Up Image application step in the EasyBuilder view. For more information, see AcquireImage.
  • The Industrial Ethernet Trigger type should be used when the trigger is coming from an Automation Controller.
0 Trigger Enable This field is set to enable triggering via the Trigger bit. Clear this bit to disable the network triggering mechanism.

Byte 1

Bit Name Description
7-0 Reserved Unused.

Byte 2

Bit Name Description
7-4 Reserved Unused.
3 Clear Exposure Complete

While this signal is High, the Exposure Complete status will remain reset. Once this signal is set to Low, the Exposure Complete status will be set to High on the next exposure completion.

2 Clear Error

When this bit is set, it will clear the Error and Error Code signals; the Clear Error bit should be held high until the Error bit has been cleared. If an error has been queued, clearing this bit will cause the Error and Error Code signals to be set to the next queued error code.

1 Reserved Unused
0 Set User Data This command is used by the Automation Controller to indicate to the In-Sight vision system that it should transfer the User Data field into a holding buffer for consumption by the vision system.

Byte 3

Bit Name Description
7 Soft Event 7 Allows Spreadsheet soft events to be triggered. Setting any of these bits causes the associated soft event in the Spreadsheet to be triggered.
6 Soft Event 6
5 Soft Event 5
4 Soft Event 4
3 Soft Event 3
2 Soft Event 2
1 Soft Event 1
0 Soft Event 0

Byte 4..7

Bit Name Description
7-0 User Data (Bit Area) Data buffer which can be read into the spreadsheet using the ReadUserDataBuffer or ReadLatchedUserDataBuffer function.

RWw Block

Byte 0..1

Bit Name Description
7-0 Command

This is a 16-bit integer used to either indicate the Job ID number (0-999) of the job to load or to specify the Job Load by Name command (0x4000). The job load is executed when the Execute Command bit is set by the PLC. The Command field must be held constant between the rising edge of the Execute Command signal and the rising edge of the Command Completed signal, or the results will be indeterminate. If using the Job Load by Name command, the job name must be transferred to the User Data buffer before setting the Execute Command bit.

Note: If an invalid job ID  is specified when attempting to load a job (for example, 05.job, but 05.job does not exist on the connected In-Sight vision system), a new, blank job will be loaded, instead of loading the previous job.

Byte 2..63

Bit Name Description
7-0 User Data Data buffer which can be read into the spreadsheet using the ReadUserDataBuffer or ReadLatchedUserDataBuffer function.

RX Block

Byte 0

Bit Name Description
7 Online This bit is set when the In-Sight vision system is Online, and cleared when the vision system is Offline. When the vision system is Offline, examine the Offline Reason field to determine the reason.
6-4 Offline Reason This field is a 3-bit field used to identify the cause of why an In-Sight vision system is Offline:
Offline ReasonNameDescription



The vision system is Online.



The vision system's job is being modified.


Discrete Offline

A discrete signal is holding the vision system Offline.


Comm. Offline

A communications protocol is holding the vision system Offline.

Note: It is possible to have multiple devices holding the In-Sight vision system Offline. In this scenario, this field will return the channel with the lowest reason code.
3 Missed Acq Set when an In-Sight vision system misses an acquisition trigger, regardless how the acquisition was triggered; cleared when an acquisition is successfully triggered.
Note: If the Trigger bit is set, but the vision system is offline, the Missed Acq and Trigger Ack bits will both be set.
2 Reserved Unused.
1 Trigger Ack Indicates when an In-Sight vision system has been triggered by the Trigger bit being set; this bit will stay set until the Trigger bit is cleared. In addition, the Acquisition ID can be latched to the rising edge of this bit.
Note: If the Trigger bit is set, but the vision system is offline, the Missed Acq and Trigger Ack bits will both be set.
0 Trigger Ready

Indicates when an In-Sight vision system can accept a new trigger via the Trigger bit. This field is true when the vision system is Online, the Trigger Enable bit is set, the AcquireImage function's Trigger parameter is set to Network, External or Industrial Ethernet, and the vision system is not currently acquiring an image.

Note: The Industrial Ethernet Trigger type should be used when the trigger is coming from an Automation Controller.

Byte 1

Bit Name Description
7 Error This bit is set when an error has occurred, which is defined in the Error Code field.
6 Command Failed This bit is set to 1 to indicate that Job Load has failed to run to completion. It is cleared when a new job is loaded by the PLC/HMI. If the job is changed through In-Sight Explorer, this bit does not change. This bit is always set prior to setting the Command Completed bit.
5 Command Completed When a Command completes the Command Executing bit goes low and if the Execute Command bit is still high, the Command Completed bit is set. If the Command did not successfully complete, the Command Failed bit is also set.
Note: The camera clears the Command Completed bit when the Execute Command bit goes low.
4 Command Executing This bit is set to 1 when Job Load is started. The Command Completed and Command Failed bits will be set prior to the falling edge of this bit.
3 Results Valid

Set when the Inspection Count, Inspection Result Code, Inspection Results and/or Job Pass bits are set. The bit is cleared when the Inspection Results Ack bit is set.

Note: If job processing is enabled to occur in overlapped mode, either the Buffer Results Enable bit should be enabled/set, or the Inspection Completed bit should be used to latch the inspection results.
2 Results Buffer Overrun

This field is set when the Buffer Results Enable bit is set and the In-Sight vision system has discarded a set of inspection results because the Automation Controller has not acknowledged the results by setting the Inspection Results Ack bit. Up to eight inspections are held in the vision system's buffer; therefore, this bit is set when the ninth inspection is added to the buffer. The ninth inspection, and all subsequent inspections, will be dropped until there is room in the buffer (when the results have been acknowledged out). The bit is not cleared until a valid inspection occurs and a previous inspection is not overwritten.

1 Inspection Completed This bit is toggled upon the completion of an inspection. It is guaranteed to be toggled after the Inspection Count, Inspection Result Code, Inspection Results and/or Job Pass bits are sent to the PLC.
0 System Busy

Set when the vision system is running a job, loading a job or responding to user input.

Byte 2

Bit Name Description
7-5 Reserved Unused.
4 Job Pass This bit is set if the most recent job passed as configured in the Job Pass/Fail Cell Setup dialog. This bit is cleared if the job did not pass.

The behavior of the Job Pass bit will depend on whether or not results buffering is disabled or enabled:

Buffering Is DisabledBuffering Is Enabled
  • Set when an inspection is completed and the Job Pass/Fail cell indicates pass; otherwise it remains cleared. For more information, see Job Pass/Fail Cell Setup Dialog.
  • The Job Pass bit will be valid prior to toggling the Inspection Completed bit.
  • Set when new results are placed in the InspectionResults attribute and the Job Pass/Fail cell indicated pass for that result set; otherwise it remains cleared. The state will not change until the results are acknowledged by setting the InspectionResultsAck attribute to True, at which time the bit will be cleared.
  • The Job Pass bit will be valid prior to the Results Valid bit being set.
3 Exposure Complete This bit is set upon the completion of the In-Sight vision system's exposure period, and is reset by the Clear Exposure Complete bit. This bit will be held in a reset state if the Clear Exposure Complete signal is set to High.
2 - 1 Reserved Unused
0 Set User Data Ack This bit is set to acknowledge completion of the Set User Data command.

Byte 3

Bit Name Description
7 Soft Event Ack 7 These bits are used to indicate that the Soft Event command was received.
6 Soft Event Ack 6
5 Soft Event Ack 5
4 Soft Event Ack 4
3 Soft Event Ack 3
2 Soft Event Ack 2
1 Soft Event Ack 1
0 Soft Event Ack 0

Byte 4..7

Bit Name Description
7-0 Inspection Results (Bit Area)

Inspection result data written from the spreadsheet, using the WriteResultsBuffer function.

RWr Block

Byte 0..1

Name Description
Current Job ID A 16-bit integer that denotes the ID number of the currently running job on the vision system, or 65535 if the current job does not have an ID number. This field is updated when the job is changed on the vision system, regardless of method of job change.

Byte 2..3

Name Description
Error Code

A 16-bit numeric representation of the error that has occurred:

Code Error Description
0x0000 No Error No error occurred.
0x0100 Trigger set while disabled Occurs when the Trigger bit is set while the Trigger Enable bit is cleared or the AcquireImage function's Trigger parameter is set to External, Network or Industrial Ethernet.
0x0101 Trigger set while Offline Occurs when the Trigger bit is set while the vision system is Offline.
0x0400 Already Executing Error Occurs when the Execute Command bit is set and the Executing bit is still High.
0x0401 Job load requested while Online Occurs when a Job Load command is issued while the vision system is Online.

Byte 4..5

Name Description
Acquisition ID This ID increments at the beginning of an acquisition and when the Trigger Ack bit is set; can be used to synchronize an acquisition with its Inspection Results.

Byte 6..7

Name Description
Inspection ID The acquisition ID associated with this set of results.

Byte 8..9

Name Description
Inspection Result Code The inspection result code is defined by the Result Code parameter of the WriteResultsBuffer function. For more information, see WriteResultsBuffer.

Byte 10..63

Name Description
Inspection Results Inspection result data written from the spreadsheet, using the WriteResultsBuffer function.