Active Cells Limit Dialog

The Active Cells Limit dialog is used to configure the number of programmable spreadsheet cells, allowing you to increase or decrease the number of cells in the job that can be utilized by a particular In-Sight sensor or vision system.

Active Cells Limit Dialog Controls

To display the Active Cells Limit dialog, click Active Cells Limit from the Sensor menu.

The slider control allows you to configure the number of programmable spreadsheet cells. Adjust the slider to set the number of programmable cells.

Adjusting the Active Cells Limit of an In-Sight vision system requires the vision system be rebooted, and will erase all job and settings files from non-volatile flash memory. Save or backup your job before continuing. 

Note: Do not power cycle the vision system while the Active Cells Limit is being updated.

Active Cells Limits

  Minimum Default Maximum

In-Sight vision system

2048 6144 10400
Note: The Active Cells Limit dialog is disabled for the In-Sight 5000; the minimum and maximum active cell limit is 4,096 and cannot be modified.