Clocked Data Storage Functions

Clocked Data Storage functions store a stream of values from a cell over time. Each function returns a single value selected from the stream of values whenever the specified event updates the spreadsheet.

  • Accumulate: Integrates a value over an interval.
  • ClockedMax: Returns the maximum value from a sampled stream during a specified interval.
  • ClockedMin: Returns the minimum value from a sampled stream during a specified interval.
  • ClockedSum: Sums a value from a sampled stream during a specified interval.
  • Count: Counts events over an infinite interval.
  • CountPassFail: Counts and returns passes, failures and total events for a given referenced value.
  • DelayLine: Implements shift-register array into which values are read on an event signal.
  • Latch: Stores an input value on the specified event.
  • LatchImage: Stores an image on the specified event.
  • LatchString: Stores an alphanumeric input string on the specified event.
  • Maximum: Latches a maximum on an input data stream over an infinite interval.
  • Minimum: Latches a minimum on an input data stream over an infinite interval.
  • Repeat: Repeats the execution of specified cells for a specified number of iterations.
  • RepeatUntil: Repeats the execution of specified cells until either an exit condition becomes valid or the maximum number of iterations is reached.
  • ShiftRegister: Implements a shift-register array, or data "stream", into which a cell's values are buffered after each event.
  • StoreData: Stores the results of a cell.