Mathematics Functions

Mathematics functions are used to construct formulas using standard math operators, logic, statistics, and trigonometry. Mathematics functions are grouped into the following categories:

  • Logic: provide boolean algebra and conditional testing capabilities to the In-Sight spreadsheet.
  • Lookup: search a range of values for a maximum, minimum, or index number; return row, column, and #ERR data; suppress #ERR cells to avoid error propagation through multiple functions.
  • Math: provide various mathematical functions such as absolute value, power, truncation, rounding, and random number generation.
  • Operators: relational operators including =, <>, >, <, >=, <=.
  • Statistics: return maximum, minimum, mean (average), and standard deviation data for a group of values.
  • Trigonometry: provide functions for (and relating to) sine, cosine, tangent, pi, degrees, and radians.