Establish a Multicast Implicit Connection with Multiple PLCs - In-Sight 5.x.x Firmware

If you want to send inspection results to more than one PLC, you can establish a multicast implicit messaging connection. A multicast connection allows all of the connected PLCs to consume data, but only one of the PLCs can produce data. To set up an EtherNet/IP implicit messaging connection between an In-Sight vision system and a ControlLogix controller, the In-Sight vision system must first be configured in the ControlLogix I/O Configuration tree.

To establish the multicast implicit messaging connection, for the first PLC: 

  1. Working Offline, follow steps 1-4 from the applicable Establishing a Unicast Implicit Connection topic as outlined in Communicate with a Rockwell ControlLogix PLC.
  2. In the General tab of the In-Sight Vision System configuration dialog:
    • Connection must be set to "Input (Results Only)"
    • The Input Results from vision system size and data type must be identical for each connection.
    • (Optional) If you want to write data from one of the PLCs to an In-Sight vision system, set Connection to Data (Bidirectional (for the writing PLC only). Only one ControlLogix controller can write to an In-Sight vision system at a time.
  3. In the Connection tab of the In-Sight Vision System configuration dialog:
    • RPI values must be the same for each In-Sight vision system connection.