
Inserts an interactive circle control into the spreadsheet. When the control is clicked, the display switches to Interactive Graphics Mode, where the position and size of the circle can be adjusted. For more information, see Interactive Graphics Mode.

Note: To access the property sheet for EditCircle, right-click the EditCircle control and select Edit Function.

EditCircle Inputs

Syntax: EditCircle(Image,Fixture.Row,Fixture.Column,Fixture.Theta,Move,Size,Name,Show)

Parameter Description
Image This parameter must reference a spreadsheet cell that contains an Image data structure; by default, this parameter references A0, the cell containing the AcquireImage Image data structure. This parameter can also reference other Image data structures, such as those returned by the Vision Tool Image functions or Coordinate Transforms Functions.


Specifies the image coordinate system in which the input circle is defined.


The row offset in image coordinates.


The column offset in image coordinates.


The orientation in image coordinates.


Disables or enables the ability to adjust the input circle position.

0 = OFF

Circle cannot be moved.

1 = ON (default)

Circle can be moved.


Disables or enables the ability to adjust the input circle radius.

0 = OFF

Circle cannot be resized..

1 = ON (default)

Circle can be resized.


Specifies a text label for the EditCircle control element in the spreadsheet.


Specifies the display mode for the EditCircle graphics overlay on the image.

0 = hide all

The circle will be hidden, except when the cell containing the EditCircle function is highlighted in the spreadsheet.

2 = input graphics only

The circle will be displayed at all times.

EditCircle Outputs


A result table will automatically be created in the cells adjacent to the right of the EditCircle control.

EditCircle Vision Data Access Functions

The following Vision Data Access functions are automatically inserted into the spreadsheet to create the result table. For more information, see Structures.



The x-coordinate of the position.



The y-coordinate of the position.



The radius of the circle.