
Returns the Online state of the In-Sight sensor. For more information, see Online/Offline.

GetOnline Inputs

Syntax: GetOnline(Event)

Parameter Description


Updates the spreadsheet on the specified event trigger. This parameter must be a reference to a cell containing an Event function, with the Trigger parameter set to Online/Offline. For more information, see Trigger.

GetOnline Outputs


A value of 0.000 if the sensor is Offline; a value of 1.000 if the sensor is Online.


When the function is initially inserted into a cell, an Event function, with the Trigger parameter set to Online/Offline, is automatically inserted into the adjacent cell.

Note: If the adjacent cell already contains data, a warning message appears and the Event function is not automatically inserted into the adjacent cell.

GetOnline Example

  1. Right-click cell A2 and click Insert Function to open the Insert Function dialog.

  2. In the left side of the Insert Function dialog, select the Vision Data Access list of tool categories.

  3. From the right-hand pane, double-click GetOnline. The GetOnline property sheet opens.

  4. Click OK to accept the default property sheet settings. An Event function, with the Trigger parameter set to Online/Offline, is automatically inserted into the adjacent cell. Cell A2 returns 0.000 indicating that the sensor is Offline.

    Note: If the adjacent cell already contains data, a warning message appears and the Event function is not automatically inserted into the adjacent cell.

  5. Place the sensor Online. Cell A2 now returns 1.000, indicating that the sensor is Online.