
Inserts an array of simulated LED status lights into the spreadsheet. The function displays the specified bits from a control value as a single LED with two color states.

MultiStatus Inputs

Syntax: MultiStatus(Value,Start Bit,Number of Bits,Reverse Order,Color 0,Color 1)

Parameter Description


Specifies the control value (0 to 65535; default = 0).

Start Bit

Specifies the first bit of the control value (0 to 15; default = 0).

Number of Bits

Specifies how many bits to display (1 to 16; default = 10). Each bit corresponds to one LED.

Reverse Order

Determines which bit represents the most significant bit (MSB) of the array.

0 = OFF (default) Left-most bit is the MSB
1 = ON Right-most bit is the MSB

Color 0

Sets the LED color used to represent a zero bit. (0 to 16; default = Yellow)

Color 1

Sets the LED color used to represent a one bit. (0 to 16; default = Green)

MultiStatus Example

A spreadsheet is configured as follows:

A1 = EditInt(0,255)

A2 = MultiStatus(A1,0,8,0,0,0)

If you increment the EditInt control in cell A1, you can observe how the MultiStatus function displays the binary representation of the cell it references (in this case, A1):