
Inserts a simulated LED status light display element into the spreadsheet; the color of the status light and the labels can both be user-specified. The StatusLight cell displays the specified color LED with text labels for each color. For more information, see Basic Colors.

StatusLight Inputs

Syntax: StatusLight(Status,Label: Positive,Label: Zero,Label: Negative,Color: Positive,Color: Zero,Color: Negative)

Parameter Description


References the cell containing the status monitor value.

Label: Positive

Specifies the text that will be displayed when Status is a positive value.

Label: Zero

Specifies the text that will be displayed when Status is zero.

Label: Negative

Specifies the text that will be displayed when Status is a negative value.

Color: Positive

Specifies the Status LED color that will be displayed when Status is a positive value. (Default = Green)

Color: Zero

Specifies the Status LED color that will be displayed when Status is zero. (Default = Yellow)

Color: Negative

Specifies the Status LED color that will be displayed when Status is a negative value. (Default = Red)


Assume cells A2 and B2 are configured as follows:



When cell A2 contains the value 1, cell B2 returns the following: