
Converts a Patterns data structure from image coordinates to fixture coordinates. The function computes the offset and orientation of the pattern response points with respect to the specified fixture.

TransPatternsToFixture Inputs

Syntax: TransPatternsToFixture(Fixture.Row,Fixture.Column,Fixture.Theta,Patterns,Number to Convert)

Parameter Description


Specifies the fixture coordinate system.


The row offset, in image coordinates.


The column offset, in image coordinates.


The orientation, in image coordinates.


This argument must reference a spreadsheet cell that contains a valid Patterns data structure.

Note: If TransPatternsToFixture is referencing a Patterns data structure returned by a TransPatternsToWorld function, the TransPatternsToFixture function will still report results in pixel coordinates, even though the TransPatternsToWorld outputs real-world coordinates. For more information, see TransPatternsToWorld.

Number to Convert

Specifies the number of patterns from the original Patterns data structure to convert to fixture coordinates. (0 to 100; default = 1)

TransPatternsToFixture Outputs


A Patterns data structure containing the transformed patterns, or #ERR if any of the input parameters are invalid.


When the function is initially inserted into a cell, a result table is created in the spreadsheet.

TransPatternsToFixture Vision Data Access Functions

The Vision Data Access functions automatically inserted into the spreadsheet will be similar to those automatically inserted by the functions used find and sort Patterns data structures. For more information, see Patterns, FindPatterns, SortPatterns, Fixture, Pattern Match, or Property Sheet.