Get File

Returns the filename of the active job on the In-Sight vision system, RAM Disk or SD Card.

  • The active job must be saved before this command can be executed successfully.
  • If the active job is saved to the vision system's RAMDisk folder, the Get File output includes the RAMDisk folder path. For example, if the active job, "Test.job", is saved in the vision system's RAMDisk folder, the Get File command returns "RAMDisk/Test.job".
  • If the active job is saved to the vision system's SD Card folder, the Get File output includes the SD Card folder path. For example, if the active job, "Test.job", is saved in the vision system's SD Card folder, the Get File command returns "SDCARD/Test.job".

Get File Inputs

Syntax: GF

Get File Outputs

Returns a status code, followed by the name of the file. The status codes are:

Status Codes Description
1 The command was executed successfully.
0 Unrecognized command.
-2 The active job has not been saved, therefore the command could not be executed.

Get File Example

Assume that the active, saved job on an In-Sight vision system is named "Test.job".  To return the filename of the active job, issue the following command: GF

The In-Sight vision system responds with 1, indicating that the command executed successfully. On the following line, the active job filename (Test.job) is displayed.

  • If the active job was loaded from a remote In-Sight vision system, the filename will be displayed in the following format: FTP://HostName/filename.
  • If the active job was drag-and-dropped from the PC (and not saved to the sensor), the filename is displayed in the following format: .job.