Available Tags Pane (Configuration Editor)

The Available Tags pane is a portion of the Configuration Editor window. It lists all tags (both Job Tags and Sensor Tags) that exist on a sensor. Shaded/strikeout tags have already been added to your configuration, while tags with yellow icons may be added to your configuration.

When the root node ("All Sensors" or "Configured Sensors") is selected in the Available Sensors pane, the Available Tags pane will be empty because the Available Tags pane only shows tags on a sensor if one is selected from the tree.

Tool Bar Icons

Adds all Job Tags from the selected sensor to your configuration.

Adds all Job Tags and Sensor Tags from the selected sensor to your configuration.

Adds all selected Tags from the selected sensor to your configuration.

Tag Status Icons

This tag has not been added to your configuration.

This tag has been added to your configuration.