System Tray Icon

By default, the In-Sight OPC Service Monitor will load each time a user logs on to the PC. The Service Monitor launches minimized in the system tray, as depicted in the following graphic:

When the In-Sight OPC Classic Server is in its Running state, the system tray icon (encircled in red) includes a green triangle. The green triangle disappears when the server is suspended.

Right-clicking the OPC Service Monitor system tray icon provides several options:

  • Open OPC Server Configuration: Displays the In-Sight OPC Server Runtime which provides an overview of the current OPC configuration. If the In-Sight OPC system service is not Started, it will be Started before the Server Runtime window is displayed.
  • Running: Places the server in Running mode and allows OPC clients to see updated tag values.
  • Startup Server: Starts the In-Sight OPC system service.
  • Shutdown Server: Stops the In-Sight OPC system service.
  • Run OPC Server on Startup: When this option is selected, the In-Sight OPC Service will start when the computer is booted.
  • Show Service Monitor on Startup: When this option is selected, the In-Sight OPC Service Monitor will load and appear in the system tray when a user logs on to the PC.
  • Exit: Closes the In-Sight OPC Service Monitor and terminates it from memory. The In-Sight OPC system service will remain in its current state (Started or Stopped.)