Robot Ethernet IP Communications (FANUC)

An In-Sight vision system can be configured to communicate with a FANUC robot controller over EtherNet/IP (EIP).

  1. After selecting Robot as the Device, FANUC as the Manufacturer and Ethernet IP Robot as the Protocol, EasyBuilder will automatically search your job for any Location or Inspection Tools that define a fixture and generate a data string representing the fixture.

    • To configure the Ethernet IP Robot communications for a FANUC robot controller, you must select FANUC from the Manufacturer drop-down list. If you select Other from the Manufacturer drop-down list, EasyBuilder displays the Ethernet/IP settings pane for other devices.
    • If using the Ethernet Native Robot or Serial Native Robot protocol to communicate with a FANUC robot controller, refer to the Robot Ethernet Native Communications topic or Robot Serial Native Communications topic, respectively.
  2. In the Format Output Data tab, any tool that generates a fixture will be listed in the Position Name drop-down list. If your job only contains one tool that returns positional data, it will be selected by default. Otherwise, select the tool whose output string you want to send from the Position Name drop-down list. The Output Buffer string will be displayed, as well as the Message Size in bytes, for reference purposes.
Note: For more information on the FANUC Robot Controller, refer to the Robot Communications - FANUC Robot Controller topic in the In-Sight® Explorer Help file.