Inputs: Loading a Job File

In-Sight 2000 Series Vision Sensors

In order to use this functionality, you must have at least one job saved and the job must be saved with a numerical prefix of 0 to 31, in the format of #jobfilename.job (e.g., 2PinInspection.job).

  1. Select input line 0 and set the Signal Type to Job Change (Pulsed).
  2. To load 2PinInspection.job to the sensor, an external device (such as a PLC) issues a series of pulses to the In-Sight 2000 sensor.

    Pulse Type Pulse Length
    Start Pulse 20ms (±2ms)
    Count Pulse 10ms (±1ms)
    Pulse Gap 10ms (± 1ms)
    Stop Pulse 20ms (±2ms)
    1. The external device issues a start pulse followed by a pulse gap.
    2. The external device then issues three count pulses. There is a pulse gap between each count pulse and a pulse gap after the last count pulse. The number of count pulses issued must correspond with the numerical prefix of the job to be loaded (e.g., two count pulses are needed to load 2PinInspection.job).
    3. The external device issues a stop pulse. When all pulses and pulse gaps match the specified pulse length, the job change request is successful and 2PinInspection.job is loaded to the sensor. If any of the conditions fail (i.e., an incorrect pulse or incorrect pulse gap timing), the job change request will fail and no job change will take place.
    • The SetSystemConfig("PulseJobChangeTiming") Native Mode command can be used to configure the pulse widths of the Start Pulse, Count Pulse, Pulse Gap and Stop Pulse.
    • Optionally, a discrete output line can configured as a Job Load OK or Job Load Failed type to pulse the output, and report the success or failure of the job change request. If the specified input pulse lengths are not used, the output will not be pulsed to indicate a job load failure.

In-Sight Vision Systems

In order to use this functionality, you must have at least one job saved, and the job(s) to be loaded must be saved with a numerical prefix of 0 to 127, e.g. 1PinInspection.job.

  1. Select an input line to configure, and set the Signal Type to Job Load Switch. The job file that is loaded is indicated by the state (0 or 1) of any other input lines set to Job ID Number.
  2. Set at least one other input line's Signal Type to Job ID Number.
  3. An input set to Job ID Number represents one bit of a binary number. Subsequent line inputs set to Job ID Number represent additional bits of the binary number. The complete binary number represents the numeric prefix (decimal #) of a job file saved in the following format: #jobfilename.job.

Example 1

Three discrete inputs are set to Job ID Number representing a 3 bit binary number. When the states of the three inputs are 0,1, and 0, respectively, the binary number 010 indicates that a job file with the prefix of 2 (010 in decimal) is to be loaded.

Example 2

You have three different job files named 3inspection.job, 6inspection.job, and 9inspection.job. You want to specify that the .job file named 6inspection.job is to be loaded when the sensor receives a HIGH signal from a PLC. Discrete input 1 is currently used as an image acquisition trigger. 

  1. Connect input line 1 to the PLC.
  2. Set the Signal Type of input line 1 to Job Load Switch.
  3. Since the job file name prefix ranges from 3 to 9, you will need to set 4 inputs to Job ID Number. (9 is 1001 in binary.)
  4. When the states of the Job ID Number lines are 1, 1, 0, and 0 respectively (6 is 1100 in binary), and the state of input line 2 is HIGH (1), the job named 6inspection.job will be loaded.

    Note: If more than one job with the same numeric prefix is stored in the In-Sight Sensor, the file with highest alphanumeric order will be loaded.