Image Filter Tools - Compare

The Compare Image Filter Tool filters an image against a template image to produce a greyscale output image where every pixel represents the normalized difference; outputs a Tool Image that can be referenced by other Location or Inspection Tools.

The "compare" image-enhancement process involves mapping the pixels from the template image to the input image for comparison and production of a greyscale output image, where pixels that do not match the template image are displayed as white pixels.

The Compare Image Filter Tool is useful in situations where you want to detect flaws in a part or object during the manufacturing process. For example, the Compare Image Filter Tool is trained on a part or object that has no flaws, and the tool then runs this trained image against each subsequently acquired image. Additional tools, such as a Blobs Counting Tool, then performs its inspection on the Tool Image output by the Compare Image Filter Tool, with the Blobs Counting Tool's logic inverted, so that the tool passes if it does not count any blobs, and fails if it counts any blobs.