Job Timeout

Setting the job timeout starts the timer after A0's image acquisition. Once the job timeout timer reaches the time limit, the vision tool functions stop executing and return a timeout error. Any remaining non-vision tool functions in the job continue to execute. The job timeout does not apply to the time for the camera to acquire an image and the time for the any post-inspection tasks, such as sending out results, or consolidating and sending GUI update content.

To set inspection time add SetJobTimeout in your spreadsheet. Enter the time in milliseconds you want the vision tools to take . Adjust job timeout and vision tools to meet the timing requirements for your application.


SetJobTimeOut sets the job timeout in milliseconds.

Parameter Value

A positive integer for the number of milliseconds to set the job timeout for. Zero disables the timeout.

Input Syntax Milliseconds

The job timeout time in milliseconds.

  • The timer of Job Timeout starts with the acquisition of A0's image when SetJobTimeOut applied. The time it takes the camera to acquire an image is not included.
  • The value used for job timeout does not apply to any post-inspection tasks, such as sending out results, or consolidating and sending GUI update content.


GetJobTimedOut indicates if a job timeout occurred for the given inspection. Once the specified job timeout is reached, vision tools will timeout immediately with an error code for that inspection. Other non-vision tool cells execute normally. GetJobTimedOut resets when the next inspection begins.

To get information if the job has timed out and how often, add GetJobTimedout in your spreadsheet on graphics or counter cells. You can optionally use it for statistics (counting), error reporting, or as a reference for downstream conditional logic.

Parameter Value
Input Reference the AcquireImage function in cell A0

1 = the job timed out.

0 =the job did not timeout.


GetJobTimeOutRemaining returns the remaining time before the job timeout occurs after the entered cell or block of cells have completed (in milliseconds)"

To see how much of the job timeout time is remaining after just those cells, add GetJobTimeoutRemaining to your spreadsheet and select cells.

Parameter Value
Input A single cell or block of cells. Input cells to this function are used only as dependencies to control the point in the job inspection this function executes.
Input Syntax Cell1, [Cell2,…]
Returns The time in milliseconds remaining before reaching the timeout after the entered cell or block of cells have completed.


GetJobTimeOutElapsed returns the elapsed time since the SetJobTimeout timer began for the selected cells in milliseconds..

To see how much time they take up and to identify what cells caused their jobs to run long, add GetJobTimeoutElapsed to your spreadsheet and select cells.

Parameter Value
Input(s) A single cell or block of cells used only as a dependency to control when during the spreadsheet job's execution this function computes.
Input Syntax Cell1, [Cell2,…]
Returns The elapsed time, in milliseconds, since the job timeout timer began.