Get Value: Spreadsheet View

Returns the value contained in the specified spreadsheet cell.

Get Value Inputs

Syntax: GV[Column][Row]

Parameter Description


The column letter of the cell value to get (A to Z).

Row The row number of the cell value to get. The row number must consist of three digits (000 to 399).

Get Value Outputs

Returns a status code, followed by a line terminator, followed by the value contained in the specified cell. The status codes are:

Status Codes Description
1 The command was executed successfully.
0 Unrecognized command.

The cell ID is invalid.


The command could not be executed.

Note: An In-Sight cell containing any numeric value will return a float value formatted to 3 decimal places when requested by the Get Value command, regardless of whether the cell contains an integer or a floating-point value. If the cell contains a non-printing character, such as a Structure, a pound character (#) will replace the non-printing character. If the cell is empty, a null string will be sent.

Get Value Example

Assume that cells A1, B0 and B1 are populated as follows:

  • A1 = 4.000
  • B0 = EditInt(0,10)
  • B1 = EditFloat(0,10)

A1 currently contains the value 4. B0 contains the value 5. B1 contains the value 3.230. The spreadsheet looks like this:

Issuing various GV commands produces the following results: