Set Float: Spreadsheet View

Sets an edit box control contained in a cell to a specified floating-point value. The edit box control must be of the EditFloat type.

Set Float Inputs

Syntax: SF[Column][Row][Float]

Parameter Description


The column letter of the cell value to set (A to Z).


The row number of the cell value to set. The row number must consist of three digits (000 to 399).


The floating-point value to set, including the decimal point (.) character.

Set Float Outputs

Status Codes Description

The command was executed successfully.


Unrecognized command.


The cell ID is invalid, or the specified value does not contain a floating-point number.


The command could not be executed. For example, the specified cell may not contain an edit box control, or the edit box control was not created by the EditFloat function.


User does not have Full Access to execute the command. For more information, see User Access Settings Dialog.

Set Float Example

The command to set an edit box contained in cell A2 to the floating point value 7.2 is: SFA0027.2

  1. Assume cell A2 is populated as follows:

    A2 = EditFloat(0,10)

    A2 currently contains a value of 3.5.  

    The spreadsheet looks like this:

  2. To change this value to 7.2 using the Set Float Native Mode command; issue the command SFA0027.2 as shown in the following telnet client window:

    The In-Sight sensor responds with 1, indicating that the command was successfully executed. The EditFloat control has been successfully changed from 3.5 to 7.2: