
In machine vision terminology, an edge is defined as the boundary (either a line, arc or circle) between two adjacent pixel groups with contrasting greyscale values. The In-Sight Edge Tools are used to detect and process statistics about the found edges. In-Sight vision systems perform edge detection and processing using the Edge Tool's functions:

  • Caliper: Measures the width between edges, locates edges and the location and spacing of edge pairs within a Region of Interest (ROI), based upon an edge model.
  • FindCircle: Locates a single circular edge within an annular (shaped like a circle or ring) ROI.
  • FindCircleMinMax: Inspects the circularity of a continuous edge.
  • FindCurve: Locates a single arced edge within a bent ROI.
  • FindLine: Locates a single straight-line edge within a ROI.
  • FindMultiLine: Locates multiple straight-line edges within a ROI.
  • FindSegment: Locates a pair of straight-line edges within a ROI.
  • PairDistance: Computes the distance between two edges.
  • PairEdges: Sorts arrays of edges into arrays of edge pairs.
  • PairMaxDistance: Finds the maximum edge pair distance.
  • PairMeanDistance: Computes the mean edge pair distance.
  • PairMinDistance: Finds the minimum edge pair distance.
  • PairSDevDistance: Computes the standard deviation of edge pair length.
  • PairsToEdges: Converts an array of edge pairs into an array of edges (by averaging.)
  • SortEdges: Sorts edges by a specific criterion.