Flaw Detection




Returns the total number of flaws found.


Returns 1 if a model has been successfully trained, and 0 if the model cannot be trained by a TrainFlawModel function. For more information, see TrainFlawModel.


Returns the total area of all of the flaws detected by the SurfaceFlaw function. For more information, see SurfaceFlaw.

GetTotalFlawCount(DetectFlaw, All/Area/Missing Edges/Extra Edges)

Returns the total number of a particular type of flaw, or the total number of all flaws (All = -1; Area = 0; Missing Edges = 1; Extra Edges = 2).

GetTotalFlawSize(DetectFlaw, All/Area/Missing Edges/Extra Edges)

Returns the total number of pixels that have been classified as a particular flaw, or the total number of pixels that have been classified as a flaw (All = -1; Area = 0; Missing Edges = 1; Extra Edges = 2).

GetFlawType(DetectFlaw, Index)

Returns the type of the specified flaw (Area = 0; Missing Edge = 1; Extra Edge = 2).

GetFlawSize(DetectFlaw, Area/Missing Edge/Extra Edge, Index)

Returns the number of pixels in a specified flaw (Area = 0; Missing Edge = 1; Extra Edge = 2). Each type of flaw has its own set of Index values (Index = 0 to the total returned by GetTotalFlawCount, minus 1).

GetFlawContrast(DetectFlaw, Area/Missing Edge/Extra Edge, Index)

Returns the contrast value of a specified flaw (Area = 0; Missing Edge = 1; Extra Edge = 2). Each type of flaw has its own set of Index values (Index = 0 to the total returned by GetTotalFlawCount, minus 1).

GetFlawRow(DetectFlaw, Area/Missing Edge/Extra Edge, Index)

Returns the row coordinate of the bounding box of a specified flaw (Area = 0; Missing Edge = 1; Extra Edge = 2). Each type of flaw has its own set of Index values (Index = 0 to the total returned by GetTotalFlawCount, minus 1).

GetFlawCol(DetectFlaw, Area/Missing Edge/Extra Edge, Index)

Returns the column coordinate of the bounding box of a specified flaw (Area = 0; Missing Edge = 1; Extra Edge = 2). Each type of flaw has its own set of Index values (Index = 0 to the total returned by GetTotalFlawCount, minus 1).

GetFlawHigh(DetectFlaw, Area/Missing Edge/Extra Edge, Index)

Returns the height value of the bounding box of a specified flaw (Area = 0; Missing Edge = 1; Extra Edge = 2). Each type of flaw has its own set of Index values (Index = 0 to the total returned by GetTotalFlawCount, minus 1).

GetFlawWide(DetectFlaw, Area/Missing Edge/Extra Edge, Index)

Returns the width value of the bounding box of a specified flaw (Area = 0; Missing Edge = 1; Extra Edge = 2). Each type of flaw has its own set of Index values (Index = 0 to the total returned by GetTotalFlawCount, minus 1).


Returns a score value indicating the edge match score before the Flex algorithms were applied.


Returns a score value indicating the edge match score after the Flex algorithms were applied.