
Used to extract metrics associated with code readability and mark quality from symbols that are initially read by either a ReadIDMax function or ReadIDCode function. For more information, see ReadIDMax and ReadIDCode.

  • Cognex recommends that the ReadIDMax function be used instead of the ReadIDCode function, which is a legacy function. The ReadIDMax function has enhanced performance capabilities.
  • The referenced ReadIDMax function must have the Verify parameter enabled.
  • The referenced ReadIDCode function must have the Algorithm parameter enabled.
  • The ReadIDCode function is only available on In-Sight vision systems using In-Sight firmware 4.x.x, and is not available on In-Sight vision systems running In-Sight firmware 5.1.0 and later. For a complete list of models and supported firmware versions, see Firmware Versions.

VerifyIDCode Inputs

Syntax: VerifyIDCode(IDCode,Metrics,IAQG 9132 Metrics,Cognex Metrics,Min Cell Size,Aperture Percentage,Timeout,Show)

Parameter Description


This argument must reference a spreadsheet cell that contains either a valid IDMax data structure returned by a ReadIDMax function, or a IDCode data structure returned by a ReadIDCode function.

Note: The ReadIDCode function is only available on In-Sight vision systems using In-Sight firmware 4.x.x, and is not available on In-Sight vision systems running In-Sight firmware 5.1.0 and later. For a complete list of models and supported firmware versions, see Firmware Versions.


Specifies whether ISO verification metrics are used.

Note: When verifying QR Codes, only ISO 16022:2000 Enhanced and ISO 16022:2000 Traditional are supported.

0 = None

ISO/AIM verification metrics will not be used in the ID verification.

1 = ISO 16022:2000 Enhanced

International symbology specification - Data Matrix.

The Enhanced ISO 16022:2000 quality metrics are calculated using advanced methods to provide more robust and reliable ID verification results. For more information on ISO, click here.

2 = ISO 16022:2000 Traditional

The Traditional ISO 16022:2000 quality metrics are calculated strictly per the methods described in the ISO 16022:2000 standard for ID verification.

3 = ISO 15415:2004 (Default)

Barcode print quality test specification - 2D symbols

The ISO 15415 quality metrics are calculated strictly following the requirements defined in the ISO 15415:2004 standard for ID verification.

4 = AIM DPM-Process Control

The AIM DPM-Process Control quality metrics are calculated following the requirements defined by AIM.

5 = ISO 29158 / AIM DPM-Contract Compliance

The ISO 29158 / AIM DPM-Contract Compliance quality metrics are calculated following the requirements defined by AIM.

6 = Postal Code Verification

The Postal Code quality metrics are calculated following the requirements defined in the MERLIN specification (software release version 2.02 Date: June 20, 2002).

IAQG 9132 Metrics

Specifies whether the IAQG AS9132, revision A Data Matrix (2D) Coding Quality Requirements for Parts Marking verification metrics are used (including Dot Ovality) to verify Data Matrix symbols. For more information on IAQG, click here.

Note: IAQG 9132 Metrics are not supported for verifying QR Codes.

ON (Default)

The IAQG 9132 verification metrics are used in the ID verification.


IAQG 9132 verification metrics are not used in the ID verification.

Cognex Metrics

Specifies whether the Cognex supplemental verification metrics are used.

ON (Default)

Cognex verification metrics are used in the ID verification.


Cognex Metrics are not used in the ID verification.

Min Cell Size

Specifies the minimum expected cell size (0 to 255; default = 0). Also called a module, a cell is a single square, which can be either black or white. For example, a 10 x 10 symbol is made up of 100 black and white cells. One cell is equal to one bit of data. A value of 0 will use the current symbol's cell size

Note: ISO 15415:2004 must be the selected ISO Metric to enable this parameter.

Aperture Percentage

Specifies the percentage (0 to 100; default = 80) to compute the synthetic aperture size from minimum cell value. This value is used in assessment of verification metrics.

Note: ISO 15415 must be the selected ISO Metric to enable this parameter.


Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds (0 to 30000), that the function will attempt to verify the ID symbol before execution is halted and an #ERR is returned.


Specifies the display mode for the VerifyIDCode graphical overlay on the image, when verifying Data Matrix and QR Code symbols.

0 = hide all (default)

will be hidden, except when the cell containing the VerifyIDCode function is highlighted in the spreadsheet.

1 = result graphics only

The result graphics (boxes for Data Matrix and QR Code) will be displayed at all times.

2 = show all: input, result and error modules

The input Region graphic, result graphics (boxes for Data Matrix and QR Code) and error module diagnostic graphics (Data Matrix only) will be displayed at all times.


When ISO 15415, AIM DPM-Process Control or ISO 29158 / AIM DPM-Contract Compliance and both versions of AIM-DPM are selected, errors are graphically shown. The representative graphics depends on the type of error(s) found.


A colored square represents the modulation grade. The color of the square depends on the grade:

  • No square =  4
  • Blue square = 2 or 3
  • Yellow square =  1
  • Red square = 0

A red represents a bit error (a white bit, where a black bit is expected and vice-versa).

VerifyIDCode Outputs


An IDVerify data structure containing verification metrics of the symbol, or #ERR if any of the input parameters are invalid.


When the function is initially inserted into a cell, the grade of the verified symbol will appear in the adjacent cell. If the symbol cannot be verified, then #ERR will be inserted.

VerifyIDCode Vision Data Access Functions

When the VerifyIDCode function is initially created, IDVerify Vision Data Access functions are automatically inserted into the spreadsheet, depending on the verification metrics that are selected. For more information, see IDVerify.