Put /resultQueue/frozen

Freezes or unfreezes the Sensor filmstrip. For more information, see Sensor Filmstrip: Spreadsheet View.

Put /resultQueue/frozen Inputs

Syntax: Put /resultQueue/frozen [parameter]
Parameter Description
true Freezes the Sensor filmstrip.
false Unfreezes the Sensor filmstrip.

Put /resultQueue/frozen Outputs

Returns a status code. The status codes are:

Status Codes Description
1 The command was executed successfully.
0 Unrecognized command.
-2 The command could not be executed.
-6 User does not have Full Access to execute the command. For more information, see User Access Settings Dialog.

Put /resultQueue/frozen Examples

Freeze Sensor Filmstrip

To freeze the Sensor filmstrip, issue the following command: Put /resultQueue/frozen true

The vision system responds with a status code (1), indicating the command was successfully executed.

Unfreeze Sensor Filmstrip

To unfreeze the Sensor filmstrip, issue the following command: Put /resultQueue/frozen false

The vision system responds with a status code (1), indicating the command was successfully executed.