
Inserts a labeled push button control into the spreadsheet that allows you to perform two types of authorization: Authorize-Only and Double-Blind. When Authorize-Only is performed, User 1 (typically an operator) makes changes and User 2 (typically a supervisor) verifies the changes. When Double-Blind is performed, User 1 makes changes and User 2 is required to re-enter the changes made by User 1. The authorization results can be tracked by Audit Messages. For more information, see Audit Message Settings Dialog.

The Authorize function supports EditInt, EditFloat and EditString functions controls, and can be added to the spreadsheet, a Dialog, EasyView or Custom View. For more information on the function controls, see EditInt, EditFloat, and EditString. For more information on Dialog, EasyView, or CustomView, see Dialog, EasyView Settings Dialog, or Custom View Settings Dialog.

  • To access the property sheet for an Authorize function, right-click the button and select Edit Function.
  • For more information on how to configure a spreadsheet containing the Authorize function, how to perform authorization, and what kind of audit messages are generated, see Perform Authorization.

Authorize Inputs

Syntax:Authorize(Label,Type,Level,Cell Ref,Cell Ref)

Parameter Description
Label The name that will appear on the button.

Type of Authorization.

  • 0 = None (default): No authorization will occur.
  • 1 = Authorize-Only: User 2 authorizes the changes made by User 1.
  • 2 = Double-Blind: User 2 re-enters the exact values previously entered by User 1.

The minimum Access Level for User 2. For more information, see User Access Settings Dialog

  • 0 = None (default): Any user with valid In-Sight logon credentials can perform authorization. User 1 is allowed to authorize their own entries.
  • 1 = Protected: User 2 must be different than User 1, and have In-Sight Access Level of Protected or Full.
  • 2 = Full: User 2 must be different than User 1, and have In-Sight Access Level of Full.
Cell Ref The upper left cell of a cell range on which authorization is performed.
Cell Ref The lower right cell of a cell range on which authorization is performed.
  • The maximum size of the cell range is 10 (wide) x 20 (height).
  • When performing authorization in the spreadsheet, both Cell Ref parameters need to be specified.
  • When performing authorization in a Dialog, Custom View or EasyView and both Cell Ref parameters are not specified (= 0), the Authorize function uses the Dialog, Custom View or EasyView for the cell range. In this case, the entire Dialog, Custom View or EasyView will be displayed in the Authorize dialog (unsupported edit controls are disabled).
  • If one Cell Ref parameter is specified and the other Cell Ref parameter is not specified, #ERR is returned.

Authorize Outputs


A labeled Button control that performs authorization.