
Provides external access to the Auto-Tune dialog of a referenced OCRMax function. This function provides support for adjustments to the Auto-Tune dialog from a remote device, such as a VisionView Operator Interface panel. When the button control is pressed, the function will launch the referenced OCRMax function's Auto-Tune dialog. For more information, see OCRMax.

Note: The Auto-Tune dialog is unavailable when the In-Sight vision system is Online.

OCRMaxAutoTune Inputs

Syntax: OCRMaxAutoTune(Label,OCRMax)

Parameter Description
Label Specifies the name that will appear in the spreadsheet.
OCRMax Specifies a reference to an OCRMax function's OCRMax data structure.

OCRMaxAutoTune Outputs


A value of 1 when the Auto-Tune dialog is on display; otherwise returns 0.


A labeled Button control.

For more information, see OCRMaxSettings, OCRMax, or Configure the OCRMax Function.