Function Reference

Applications are configured within In-Sight Explorer by inserting formulas into spreadsheet cells. These formulas are constructed using the functions available in the Insert Function dialog. For more information, see Insert Function Dialog.

In-Sight functions are divided into the following categories. In addition to the functions in the categories listed below, the AcquireImage function is a requirement of every spreadsheet job and is automatically inserted into the spreadsheet in cell A0.

  • Vision Tools: Extract and process image features.
  • Geometry: Compute the distance between standard geometric constructs, including circles, points, and line segments.
  • Graphics: Customize the spreadsheet and the image display with interactive controls and graphical data displays.
  • Mathematics: Construct formulas using standard math operators, logic, statistics, and trigonometry.
  • Robotics: Configure the VGR applications.
  • Text: Format alphanumeric data strings for display and for communications.
  • Coordinate Transforms: Convert feature locations and distances between image, fixture, and real world coordinate systems.
  • Input/Output: Control how In-Sight communicates with remote devices.
  • Clocked Data Storage: Keep running totals of values on specified events over time.
  • Vision Data Access: Extract individual values from data structures.
  • Structures: Create graphics, regions, and fixtures that can be used by other functions.
  • Scripting: Create custom-designed JavaScript source code to perform job-related tasks.