Establish the Connection Using a Generic ETHERNET-MODULE

This topic covers integrating In-Sight vision systems running In-Sight 4.10.x or 5.x.x and later firmware in RSLogix 5000, version 14-19. These versions of RSLogix 5000 do not support the EDS files, and a Generic ETHERNET-MODULE must be used instead. In-Sight Explorer includes .L5X files, which can be used to copy PLC controller tag data to/from user-friendly program tags, representing signals in the In-Sight vision system running In-Sight 4.10.x or 5.x.x and later firmware.

Note: The screen captures used in this topic were taken from RSLogix 5000, version 16. Some of the other versions of RSLogix 5000 may look slightly different.
  1. Open RSLogix 5000 and load the PLC's project.

    Note: The PLC must be Offline to add connections in RSLogix 5000.
  2. Add a connection to your Ethernet Communications Card. Under the I/O Configuration node, select the Ethernet Node under the Ethernet Module, right-click on the icon and select New Module from the menu.

  3. From the Select Module Type dialog in the Catalog tab, select the Communication Module Type Category Filter, Allen-Bradley as the Module Type Vendor Filter, select ETHERNET-MODULE (Generic Ethernet Module) and press the Create button.
  4. In the New Module dialog, enter the following:
  5. After adding the vision system to the RSLogix project, the L5X rung import file can be used to create structured data for the connection.
    1. Within the main program, right-click on an empty rung and select the Import Rungs... option.

    2. Navigate to the .L5X file and click the Import... button.

      • If using In-Sight 4.10.x firmware, and RSLogix version 14-16, import the InSightGenEth_12_CopyRung.L5X file.
      • If using In-Sight 4.10.x firmware, and RSLogix version 17-19, import the InSight_12_CopyRung.L5X file.
      • If using In-Sight 5.x.x and later firmware, and RSLogix version 14-16, import the InSightGenEth_11_CopyRung.L5X file.
      • If using In-Sight 5.x.x and later firmware, and RSLogix version 17-19, import the InSight_11_CopyRung.L5X file.

      The files are located in the following location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Cognex\In-Sight\In-Sight Explorer 5.x.x\Factory Protocol Description\RSLogix

      Note: For information on which file to use, see Communicate with a Rockwell ControlLogix PLC.

  6. The Import Configuration dialog will then be used to change the names of the created tags to match the configuration.

    1. The generic names of the Tags will need to be modified. The top two lines will have an X beside them, and the Name of each will need to be modified.

    2. By clicking in the white space of the Name field, an arrow will appear, which will provide a drop-down menu that will contain replacement options for the default Name structure.

      The list should contain names that match the name given in Step 4 (the name of the In-Sight vision system; in this example, the name given was IS5705, so the list contains IS5705:I and IS5705:O).

      Replace the two generic names with the options in the drop-down menu.

    3. The bottom two lines will also need to be edited. Click on the text of the name so that the cursor icon appears and then replace the text prior to "_In" and _Out" with the name of the generic module or some other easily identifiable name (e.g. "MyCamera" in this example, since there is only one vision system).

      Note: he name given in this instance should be unique to each vision system that is added to the I/O configuration. If multiple vision systems are going to be deployed, these steps must be followed for each vision system, because each instance of the copy rungs that are created will point to a specific vision system. Therefore, for later troubleshooting, ensure that the names used are easily identifiable.
    4. Once all of the Tags have been updated from their default values, press the OK button.
  7. A new rung will have been added to the Main Routine below the rung that was added (the empty rung can be deleted).

  8. The project can now be downloaded to the PLC, and the PLC can be put into Run Mode.
  9. Once the rungs holding the copy instructions have been run, the new tags will be created in the Controller Tags table.

    In this example, the IS5705:I and IS5705:O tags are the raw input and output assemblies from the vision system, and the MyCamera_In and MyCamera_Out will contain the Control and Status blocks, as well as the User Data and Inspection Result arrays.