Image Toolbar

The Image Toolbar is displayed when the Allow Adjust Image check box in the HMI Settings dialog is selected.

Zoom In Click this button to increase the magnification level of the image.
Zoom Out Click this button to decrease the magnification level of the image.
Fit Click this button to fit the image inside the image window.
Fill Click this button to fill the entire window with the image. No visible border will appear.
Rotate Counter-Clockwise Click this button to rotate the image counter-clockwise in 90-degree increments.
Rotate Clockwise Click this button to rotate the image clockwise in 90-degree increments.
Show Pan Control Click this button to display/hide the Pan Control button. By default, the Pan Control button is displayed.
Pan Control Button

Click the up, down, left and right arrow to move the image. Click the circle in the middle of the Pan Control button to reset the image to the original position.