
Markings are the graphical elements that the tools place over characters, features and/or areas of the image that the tool identified, based on the Labeling done prior to being trained.

To provide more labeled data for further training, you can convert some of the Markings to Labels. In this instance, you review the Markings that the tool applied, and if you agree with the Marking, you accept the View and convert the Marking to a Label.

For example, the Blue Locate Tool requires that N number of features are labeled on the View. After the tool is trained, the result is reported in the form of a Marking, which is a graphical overlay on the View. You review each of the Markings, and if it is accurate, you right-click the View and select Accept View to convert the Marking to a Label.

Once the tool is trained, it can process images in the database, as well as newly acquired images, and place Markings on the features it finds.

  • For the Blue Locate tool, the Marking contains a list of features and model matches.
  • For the Blue Read Tool, the Marking contains a box outlining the character and a character representing what the tool thinks it found.
  • For the Red Analyze Tool, the Marking consists of an anomaly score, and a heat map (aka deviation map) and polygon regions that outline defects and/or anomalies.
  • The Green Classify Tool provides a list of available class tags alongside their likely matches.