ViDi Tool GUI

This topic provides an overview to navigate the ViDi tools. The ViDi tools share a common layout:

Control Description


Input Controls

Displays the input into the ViDi tool from the Spreadsheet. If the ViDi tool is being externally fixtured by an In-Sight Vision Tool, the External icon will be displayed (as shown above).


Tool Controls

Provides access to the tools, allowing you to add additional tools, creating ViDi Tool Chains, if desired

Note: Tool chains are not supported with the ViDiRead, ViDiCheck or ViDiDetect functions. You must have access to the complete ViDi function to create tool chains.

Contains a right-click menu to edit the selected tool. See the ViDi Tool Control Right-Click Menu for more information.

Also contains the controls to process Views and Train the tool. While performing those tasks, progress and status information will be displayed.


Tool Parameters

Access to the ViDi Tool Parameters.


Image File Information

Displays the file name of the image, the image resolution bit-depth of the image file and the current zoom setting of the displayed image.


Image Display Area

The space where the image and View is displayed. The user-configurable Feature Size graphic is available in the lower left corner.


View Browser

The interactive list of the Views being processed by the tool. You can use Display Filters to customize and sort the Views being displayed.


Database Overview

The Database Overview section for the tool, which provides Statistics about the state of the tool after Training.