Menu Bar – Image

Note: This menu is available only when the Spreadsheet Editor is open.

The Image menu allows you to change the zoom level and orientation of the acquired image in the Spreadsheet Editor, and enable or disable overlay transparency and saturation.

Icon Option Description

Sets the zoom level of the acquired image in the Spreadsheet Editor. The available values are the following:

  • Zoom In: Increase the level of magnification on the background image.
  • Zoom Out: Decrease the level of magnification on the background image.
  • Zoom 1:1: Set the zoom ratio to 1:1. The image will represent a 1:1 pixel mapping between the image and your display resolution. No automatic scaling will be performed.
  • Zoom to Max: Set the maximum zoom level.
  • Zoom to Fill: Fill the entire display with the image. No empty space will appear around the image, but a portion of the image may be cropped (not visible) to achieve this.
  • Zoom to Fit: Fit the image to the display. The image will automatically scale to be maximally displayed behind the spreadsheet, with the entire image visible. The image's original aspect ratio is maintained; some empty (gray) space may exist around the image.
  Orientation Allows you to rotate the image 90 or 270 degrees clockwise, or 180 degrees. Use the Normal setting to revert the orientation to the default value.
Show Saturation

Enables or disables the highlighting of over- or undersaturated pixels in the acquired image as follows:

  • Undersaturated images whose grey level (or RGB level for color images) is less than or equal to the Low Saturation Level (greyscale or RGB values of 5) are indicated in blue.
  • Oversaturated images whose grey level (or RGB level for color images) is greater than or equal to the High Saturation Level (greyscale or RGB values of 240) are indicated in red.
Overlay Transparency Shows/hides the semitransparent spreadsheet grid.