Live Display

The Live Display WebPage element is used to display the image directly acquired from the vision system and/or GigE camera used in the job. When active, it displays the live feed of images continuously acquired from the selected from the device, which you can use to make adjustments to the image acquisition settings. The Live Display element works only if the In-Sight ViDi adapter is offline; when it is online, live feed is not available from the camera, and therefore the Live Display element cannot be enabled.

The layout of the Live Display element is similar to that of the Display WebPage element. See the Display GUI Controls topic for a description of the shared GUI controls and the Display Properties topic for the description of the shared properties.

The Live Display element has one specific GUI button: the (Live Display) button, used to enable live feed from the selected camera. The value of the setting is indicated with its color:

  • : Live Display is enabled, and the element shows the live feed of the configured camera.
  • : Live Display is available, but live feed is turned off.
  • : Live Display is unavailable, as the system is Online.

    Tip: If you want to enable live feed from the camera, set the system offline with the (Pause-Online) element. This element is readily available next to the Live Display element in the Cam<X>Setup web page, automatically created when a new job is auto-generated by the adapter, or when a new job is set up manually with the Job Wizard.