WebPages Filmstrip $ Functions

The following $ functions can be called via scripts when an HMI Filmstrip element is on a WebPage:

Function Property Parameters (with Data Type) Description
$WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.Clear N/A Clears the contents of the Filmstrip.
$WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.Continue N/A

Sets the Filmstrip in Live state from Frozen state.

$WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.Freeze N/A Sets the Filmstrip in Frozen state.
$WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.Load N/A Loads a previously-exported Filmstrip archive into the Filmstrip. This function is only guaranteed to work with unmodified archive files, and can be called only if the Filmstrip is Frozen.
$WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.SaveAll N/A

Exports the contents of the Filmstrip along with the recorded values of all published tags into a compressed archive. By default, the archive is saved with the filmstrip.zip filename.

Note: This function can be called only if the Filmstrip is Frozen.

See the HMI Filmstrip Controls topic for more information on the contents of the exported archive.

$WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.SelectFirstItem N/A Selects the first acquisition on the Filmstrip. Calling this function freezes the Filmstrip.
$WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.SelectLastItem N/A Selects the last acquisition on the Filmstrip. Calling this function freezes the Filmstrip.
$WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.SelectNextItem N/A Selects the next acquisition on the Filmstrip. Calling this function freezes the Filmstrip.
$WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.SelectPreviousItem N/A Selects the previous acquisition on the Filmstrip. Calling this function freezes the Filmstrip.