Filmstrip Settings

Note: This menu is available only when the Spreadsheet Editor is open.

The Filmstrip Settings dialog allows you to configure how the HMI Filmstrip User Input gets populated with recorded acquisitions on the WebPage while the job is online, and also lets you specify the Spreadsheet cell that will be used to check if the detected acquisitions are considered passed or failed on the HMI Filmstrip.

Configure the settings as follows:

  1. Open the dialog by clicking Settings > Filmstrip Settings in the Menu Bar.

    Note: This menu is available only when the Spreadsheet Editor is open.
  2. Set the Queue option to configure the type of acquisitions that get recorded on the HMI Filmstrip while the job is Online. The available settings are as follows:
    • Disabled: No acquisitions are recorded to the HMI Filmstrip.
    • Pass Results: The HMI Filmstrip records only acquisitions that are detected as passed in the configured job.
    • Fail Results: The HMI Filmstrip records only acquisitions that are detected as failed in the configured job.
    • Pass and Fail Results: The HMI Filmstrip records all acquisitions regardless of the inspection outcome. This is the default setting.
  3. Configure the Watch Cell option, used to check whether the acquisition results are passed or failed. The selected call cannot be empty and cannot be an input cell. If you select an invalid cell, a Warning dialog will appear to inform you on the incorrect selection:

    Once you click OK, the Filmstrip Settings dialog will provide additional information and tooltips on resolving the error:

    Once you selected a valid cell, it will be renamed and published with the InspectionResult name, and will be listed in the Tags Window with that Tag as well.

    Tip: If you want the HMI Filmstrip to show all acquisitions (both passed and failed), you can simply select a cell in the spreadsheet containing 1. The dialog considers it a constant True, and as such, will show all acquisitions when the cell is being watched.