Cell Name

A Cell Name allows a specific cell to be given a unique name and thereby publish it so that its contents can be used in other parts of the job (such as shown in WebPage Elements).

Cell Name Requirements

  • Two or more names cannot reference the same cell in a given sheet.
  • Cell Names:
    • Cannot start with a number.
    • Can only use the following characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and the underscore "_" character. No spaces or non-English language characters may be used.
    • Can contain a minimum of 1 character and a maximum of 127 characters.
    • Cannot be cell locations or have the form of cell locations (e.g., B2 or B22222).
    • Must be unique. There cannot be a duplicate Cell Name within the same sheet, regardless of case.
      For instance, you cannot have one Cell Name as "test" and the other as "Test". In this case, a suffix will be added to the latter Cell Name (i.e. "Test_1".)

Creating a Cell Name

  1. Select a cell. The cell Column Letter and Row Number appear in the Active Cell box in the formula bar
  2. Enter a unique cell name into the Active Cell box.

    Note: If the Cell Name being entered does not meet the requirements above, the active cell box will be outlined in red. Any changes will not be saved and the Cell Name will revert to its previous state.
  3. Once a cell has been given a name, the cell name will be automatically published and appear in the Properties panel. The spreadsheet cell will have a blue triangle indicator in the lower-right corner. When the mouse is placed over a cell with a cell name, the cell name will appear.
  • To remove a Cell Name: delete the text in the active cell box in the formula bar, and then press Enter to commit the change.
  • To unpublish, right-click on the cell and select Unpublish from the menu. This will remove the Cell Name and remove it from the list of tags in the Properties panel.