Insert Function Dialog

All functions contained within an In-Sight job can be placed into the spreadsheet through the Insert Function dialog. The left side of the Insert Function dialog contains an expandable/ collapsible list of tool categories, subcategories and functions. When a tool category is selected on the left, a list of that category's functions will appear on the right side.

Note: Every In-Sight function is described in detail in the In-Sight Toolbox topics.

To select a function on the right side, highlight the chosen function and then press the Insert button or double-click the highlighted function. The Property Sheet for this function will open, if applicable; otherwise, the function will be placed into the current insertion point in the spreadsheet.

Note: The maximum combined number of functions, arguments, and operators allowed in any given formula is 254. When an argument to a function is a range of cells, each cell within the range is counted as one argument. For example, a Math formula Sum (1,2,A3:A6) consists of 1 function (Sum) and 6 arguments (1, 2, A3, A4, A5, A6); this consumes 7 of the allowed 254 for this particular formula.

To Display the Insert Function Dialog

  1. Select a spreadsheet cell to receive the formula.
  2. There are several ways to open the dialog:

    • In the Insert Menu, click the Edit Function
    • Click the Insert Function button () in the Toolbars.
    • Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + F

Insert Function Dialog Components

  • The upper left pane shows a list of the function categories available.
  • The upper right pane shows each individual function within the selected category.
  • The bottom of the Insert Function dialog shows concise context-sensitive help text for the highlighted function category or individual function.

    Note: To view detailed context sensitive help about any function, select the function from the function list and press F1; the corresponding function reference topic will be displayed.